...here you've got to the world of my inTerests. the
biggest sphere is music, cuz i've been a deep-rooted meloman since i was
10. so i've got a big record library, i believe so at last. but besides
this i recommend you to surf through the other links too.
is a great part of my everyday life. I wake up with music, coming from my
music-center it determines my mood during the day, that's why i try to put
there positive cds. And i'd better say that all the time i'm present at
home i listen to music: eating,, going for sports, drawing... But i rarely
listen to it when i read books and make home assignments, 'cause i can't
concentrate on a major thing. Whenever and wherever i go i take my cool
cd-player. I'm rather sensible to music and that's why one
may be amused seing me openning mouth like speaking something and going
at a high speed. But i can't help doing it...And i fall asleep usually with
music too. o i'd like to present to you the music that influenced and influences me...To simplify the understanding of a wide range of music groups, i divided them according to the styles, that, to my point of view, they belong to. Besides i'd like to tell you that all the detailed information about each of the group you may find in this very source: www.allmusic.com So choose the style and get to know what musicbands and albums i've got in my collection.
created by bikeoff |